Promoting the Role of Women in STEM in Africa through WMD Nonproliferation Capacity Building

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  • Post published:11 February 2021
  • Post category:AFRICA

The course provided female technical experts, researchers, scientists, and government officials with a broader understanding of weapons of mass destruction, nonproliferation, arms control, disarmament, peaceful uses of nuclear energy, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear security, as well as the various institutions, tools, and mechanisms necessary to address current nonproliferation and security challenges.

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UN General Assembly: IAEA Director General Highlights the Crucial Role of Nuclear Technologies in Fighting Pandemics and Climate Change

In addressing the United Nations General Assembly for the first time since his appointment as Director General of the IAEA, Rafael Mariano Grossi spoke of the global impact of COVID-19…

Continue ReadingUN General Assembly: IAEA Director General Highlights the Crucial Role of Nuclear Technologies in Fighting Pandemics and Climate Change