US President Joe Biden yesterday signed executive orders to follow through on his promise to take aggressive action to tackle climate change and build on the executive actions that he took on his first day in office, including re-joining the Paris Agreement and the immediate review of “harmful rollbacks” of environmental standards under his predecessor […]

Speaking to African heads of state and representatives from Russian, African, and international business and government agencies, Rosatom Director-General Alexey Likhachov yesterday emphasized the benefits of nuclear energy in job creation and regional economic development. At the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi, Russia, Likhachov said global inequality in technological, industrial and socio-economic development was “acutely felt” […]

Delegates at a plenary session of Russian Energy Week taking place this week in Moscow discussed how nuclear power is an “inalienable element of the sustainable development agenda”. The session, which was hosted by Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom, included panellists from Belarus, Egypt, Hungary and the UAE, as well as from the International Atomic Energy Agency […]

The European Union puts it bluntly: We must reduce the level of CO2 emissions and we need to start doing it right now. While some EU Member States are more advanced in achieving their climate and energy goals, others are lagging behind, writes Yves Desbazeille, director general of Foratom.

On June 5, 2019, the Intelligence Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives held an open hearing on the national security implications of climate change. The government experts testifying pointed to Nigeria as an example of the complex ways in which such trends are emerging globally. As Peter Kiemel, a counselor for the National Intelligence […]