On the day the Islamic State overran the Iraqi city of Mosul in 2014, it laid claim to one of the greatest weapons bonanzas ever to fall to a terrorist group: a large metropolis dotted with military bases and garrisons stocked with guns, bombs, rockets and even battle tanks. But the most fearsome weapon in […]

U.S. President Donald Trump’s “war on terror” – much like his predecessor’s – uses partners’ capabilities against terrorists in an effort to protect the country from potential attacks, while minimizing U.S casualties. In Africa, Trump’s continuation of this strategy has resulted in increased reliance on U.S. special operations forces. The U.S. Special Operations Command Africa […]

Unmanned aerial surveillance devices are proving effective intelligence-gathering tools that may make rebel groups’ previous ability to operate without detection a thing of the past. Quality imagery helps in tracing the movements of key Boko Haram leaders and identifying targets, which can then guide Nigerian policy leaders and military commanders to make informed decisions on […]