Chirayath Lectures at Nuclear Security and Safeguards Professional Development Course for Sub-Saharan Africa

NSSPI Interim Director Dr. Sunil Chirayath participated in the second part of a joint professional development course with the National Nuclear Security Administration's International Nuclear Safeguards Engagement Program (INSEP), the…

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Full Report – Five Years after Entry-Into-Force of the Treaty of Pelindaba on the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone

On 15 July 2009, the Treaty of Pelindaba on the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone entered into force for 28 of the 53 African Union Member States and three of the five…

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Summary on Five Years after Entry-Into-Force of the Treaty of Pelindaba on the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone: Progress, Challenges, and Next Steps

28 Apr 2015 - Academic symposium in the margins of the 2015 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference: nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and energy: Fresh ideas for the future. The symposium was been hosted by…

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Statement by the President on the Framework to Prevent Iran from Obtaining a Nuclear Weapon

THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Today, the United States -- together with our allies and partners -- has reached a historic understanding with Iran, which, if fully implemented, will prevent…

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More than 25 States Attend Inaugural Meeting of International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification

WASHINGTON—A diverse group of officials from more than 25 countries are developing a plan of action to build international capacity and address difficult monitoring and verification challenges that will need…

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