The Senegalese Ministry of Higher Education has entered into an agreement with the French National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology – Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires, INSTN – to cooperate in establishing a centre of excellence in nuclear science and technology in the West African country, writes wnn. The nuclear cooperation agreement […]

Vulnerable crops, uncertain water supplies, and inadequate access to cancer care are some of the issues African nations are addressing in AFRA. The African Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA) has 39 participating countries, and its activities include the peaceful application of nuclear techniques to achieve […]

In January 2016, Ghana will become the 6th African country to have a national space agency when the Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute becomes the Ghana Space Agency (GhSA). GhSA is intended to lead the nation’s civilian space exploration efforts, in accordance with the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy and Development Plan for […]