Workshop on Nuclear Security for Media Practitioners in Africa

Introduction: Nuclear Security for Media Practitioners in Africa


The global community working in nuclear safety and security must communicate in the clearest, most effective language possible.  The stakes involved are the highest, and the complexity of communications is great, given the science, technology, and policies involved.  This scenario is also complex because of the diversity of communicators involved: scientists, technicians, managers, policy experts, agency representatives, government regulators, military personnel, academicians, journalists, public relations professionals, and so on.  Add to this the international nature of nuclear safety and security, and the various levels of expertise in using a common language (English) for communication, and we are faced with a tremendous challenge in achieving the goal of clear, effective language.

These facts are particularly emphatic at present, when so many countries have begun, or desire to begin, programs in nuclear research and development in order to benefit from the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and science generally.  And among these countries, many African countries including Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya stand in greatest need of such development, and will most benefit from enhanced powers of communication.  This benefit extends their ability to absorb the information available to them, to reach out effectively with their questions and requests, to positively influence public opinion and decision makers in government and industry, and to share their professional expertise and cooperate with the international community.

Recognizing how much the nuclear and media industries could benefit from a dialogue on safety and security, the Kumasi Technical University (Ghana), in collaboration with the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Ghana, African Centre for Science and International Security (Ghana), Ghana Atomic Energy Commission’s School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences have decided to hold a training course designed for African professionals in communication and media.

Click here to see the Announcement.

Apply Here >


Ms. Martha P. Adu-Gyamfi
Administration Officer
African Center for Science and International Security, Ghana
Mobile: +233202461134
[email protected]

The report can be found here.

  • Date : 29 August 2017 - 30 August 2018
  • Time : 12:00 PM12:00 AM (UTC)
  • Venue : Kumasi, Ghana