States parties to the amended Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (A/CPPNM) will convene in Vienna in March 2022 for the treaty’s first review conference. Adopted in 2005 and entered into force in 2016, the A/CPPNM is the only international legal agreement requiring the physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities and the criminalization of certain actions related to the theft of nuclear material and sabotage of nuclear facilities.

Universal implementation of the A/CPPNM is necessary to close global gaps in physical protection, criminal law, and countries’ ability to cooperate in prosecuting nuclear crimes. Preventing malicious acts of theft and sabotage will build public confidence in the peaceful use of nuclear technology, thus preserving its use and benefits for nuclear energy, medicine, agriculture, and research to support countries’ sustainable development goals.

At the 2022 review conference, states parties will be asked to share their views on how the treaty is being implemented, including lessons learned and best practices, and to determine the adequacy of the treaty. Further, states parties will be expected to provide a formal written submission under Article 14 on the steps taken to implement the Convention in legislation and regulations.  A review of implementation and adequacy must be made while considering “the prevailing situation,” which should represent national and regional perspectives.

This workshop, co-sponsored by the African Center for Science and International Security (AFRICSIS) and Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), will be a forum for sharing ideas on how governments in Africa can prepare for the review conference. It will also provide an opportunity to share implementation challenges and best practices that can inform those preparations.


  • Build broader awareness of the importance of nuclear security in Africa
  • Strengthen understanding among relevant stakeholders about the amended CPPNM and the review conference
  • Share ideas for how to prepare for the review conference, including how to assess implementation, how to determine whether the treaty is adequate, and how to define “the prevailing situation”
  • Consider which stakeholders should be involved in preparations for the review conference and join the official conference delegation
  • Expand the network among officials, regulators, and operators in the region who are working on nuclear issues


Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Eritrea, Eswatini, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe


Forum of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa (FNRBA), The African Commission on Nuclear Energy (AFCONE), United Nations Regional Economic Community (UNREC), African Network for Enhancing Nuclear Power Programme Development (ANENP), European Safeguards and Development Association (ESARDA), International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), European Union CBRN Center of Excellence, the Group of African States (Africa Group), INTERPOL, AFRIPOL, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and Vienna Center for Disarmament and Nonproliferation (VCDNP)

PARTICIPANTS (1-2 per country/organization)

  • Senior/mid-level officials responsible for nuclear security
  • Representatives from regulatory bodies
  • Representatives from criminal justice bodies
  • Operators and others involved in the implementation of nuclear security at facilities and transport


  • 2020 NTI Index report excerpt  (ARABIC)
  • 2020 NTI Nuclear Security Index (ENGLISH)
  • 2020 NTI Index report excerpt (FRENCH)
  • NTI Webinar: CPPNM 101 (ENGLISH)
  • A/CPPNM Review Conference Scenario Materials (ENGLISH)
    • Sample national statements for Coastalia (p. 8) ENGLISH
    • Sample national statement for Midland (p. 6) ENGLISH
    • Sample national statement for Tideland (p. 11) ENGLISH
  • Other NTI A/CPPNM Resources (ENGLISH)



  • Keynote Remarks (Director General Rafael GROSSI, IAEA) (ENGLISH)
  • Presentation-IAEA efforts to assist countries in ratifying and implementing the A/CPPNM (ENGLISH)
  • Presentation: Impact of the Amendment to the CPPNM on States Parties (ENGLISH)
  • Date : 5 March 2021
  • Time : 12:00 (UTC)