Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom and Rwanda’s Ministry of Infrastructure on 28 February signed two memoranda of cooperation on education and personnel training and on developing public acceptance of nuclear energy. This followed an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy signed on 5 December. Rosatom and Rwanda agreed to implement […]

There is growing interest in nuclear power across several African countries. The USA could be more engaged to create more equitable and sustainable deployment of clean nuclear power on the African continent, write Jessica Lovering and Kenton de Kirby of the Breakthrough Institute. Of the 30 countries identified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) […]

Production can resume at NTP Radioisotopes’ Pelindaba facilities after receiving the go-ahead from South Africa’s National Nuclear Regulator (NNR). Preliminary production runs at the NTP processing plant, which the company said had been “effectively” shut down since November 2017 following a series of “safety-related issues”, will be followed by full production. The shutdown was ordered […]

The Senegalese Ministry of Higher Education has entered into an agreement with the French National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology – Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires, INSTN – to cooperate in establishing a centre of excellence in nuclear science and technology in the West African country, writes wnn. The nuclear cooperation agreement […]

Sudan, a country of approximately 40 million people, is seeking to increase its installed electricity capacity to support socio-economic development, particularly in the industrial, agricultural and mining sectors. The government has projected that demand for electricity will more than double to around 8500 MWe by 2031.

“In my opinion, it will be difficult for the world to meet the twin challenges of securing sufficient energy and limiting the average global temperature increase to 2 degrees centigrade, in the coming decades without making more use of nuclear power,” he said. “IAEA projections show that nuclear power’s global potential up to 2050 remains […]

The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Scientific Research and Technological Innovations of the Republic of Congo signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy, writes ROSATOM. The document was signed February 13, 2018 in Moscow by the Russian state […]

Eskom cannot afford to expand its nuclear power capacity, Calib Cassim, acting CFO of the South African utility, said yesterday. Cassim was speaking to reporters during the release of Eskom’s financial results for the six months to 30 September 2017. Eskom, which operates the sole nuclear power plant on the African continent, reported a 34% […]

Chinese and U.S. nuclear experts spent a decade plotting out the Ghana operation, sharing expertise and working at each other’s labs. “No question, we were able to collaborate very, very well on the MNSR conversion,” says Ernest Moniz, CEO of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a think tank in Washington, D.C., and former secretary of […]

On the day the Islamic State overran the Iraqi city of Mosul in 2014, it laid claim to one of the greatest weapons bonanzas ever to fall to a terrorist group: a large metropolis dotted with military bases and garrisons stocked with guns, bombs, rockets and even battle tanks. But the most fearsome weapon in […]