Egypt and Russia have agreed in principle on a program to build Egypt’s first nuclear power reactor and the leaders from both countries have witnessed the signing ceremony of, among other bilateral agreements, a project development agreement for a two-unit Russian power plant and desalination plant, reports the Egyptian state-run news agency MENA. Egypt’s President […]

Independent nonproliferation experts can now get images offering much greater detail about Iran’s and North Korea’s above-ground nuclear facilities. Last week, the satellite company DigitalGlobe announced the U.S. Commerce Department had approved a long-standing license request to sell its highest-available resolution photographs to commercial clients. Previously, the U.S. government had forbidden the sale of images […]

Vulnerable crops, uncertain water supplies, and inadequate access to cancer care are some of the issues African nations are addressing in AFRA. The African Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA) has 39 participating countries, and its activities include the peaceful application of nuclear techniques to achieve […]